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Union (L')

This daily in French, published by the Heintzé brothers, came out between the 12th of November 1860 and the 1st of June 1871.

Heintzé Frères
Publishing period
From 12.11.1860 to 01.06.1871
Available issues
From 12.11.1860 to 01.06.1871


This daily in French, published by the Heintzé brothers, came out between the 12th of November 1860 and the 1st of June 1871. The 1st of June 1871, it announced that it was stopping publication in French, because it was changing to the German language. Its aim, by writing in German, was to get more subscribers. The reasoning, expressed in this article was that the Luxembourg countryside at the time was German-speaking and hence if one wants to speak to the people, one needs to speak in German. The German title in question was the "Luxemburger Volks-Zeitung" (1871) which was published during only one year.