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Journal Officiel du Grand Duché-de Luxembourg (Mémorial C)

The Journal Officiel du Grand Duché-de Luxembourg = Amtsblatt des Groẞherzogtums Luxemburg regarding commercial companies and associations has been published since January 1961.

Journal Officiel du Grand Duché-de Luxembourg = Amtsblatt des Groẞherzogtums Luxemburg (Memorial C)
ministère d'État, Service central de législation
Imprimerie de la Cour Victor Buck
Publishing period
From 14.01.1961 to 31.05.2016
Available issues
From 14.01.1961 to 30.12.1995


The Journal Officiel du Grand Duché-de Luxembourg = Amtsblatt des Groẞherzogtums Luxemburg regarding commercial companies and associations has been published since January 1961.

By règlement grand-ducal du 9 janvier 1961 relatif aux trois recueils du Mémorial, the latter is divided into three parts, namely the legislative and regulatory acts (Mémorial A), the administrative and economic acts (Mémorial B ) and the publications on companies and associations (Mémorial C).


Information about access

Content protected by copyright.
The full content is available online and in the BnL reading room.
In order to protect personal data,, the digitised version of Memorial C (1961-1995), which also contains personal data, has not been indexed, except for the titles of the articles. Search functionality is limited. The user cannot download the PDF files of issues, articles and pages.

The archives of Mémorial C published between 1996 and 2016 can be viewed on the portal.

Since 1 June 2016, Mémorial C has been replaced by the central electronic platform for the official publication of societies and associations Recueil électronique des sociétés et associations (RESA).