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Luxemburger Zeitung = Journal de Luxembourg

Bilingual official newspaper, whose publication was ordered by the Government through the Royal Grand Ducal Decree of the 28th of November 1857 to replace the second part of the Mémorial between 1858 and 1859.

Luxeburger Zeitung = Journal de Luxembourg (1858-1859)
Imprimerie Victor Bück
Publishing period
From 02.01.1858 to 30.09.1859
Available issues
From 02.01.1858 to 30.09.1859


Bilingual official newspaper, whose publication was ordered by the Government through the Royal Grand Ducal Decree of the 28th of November 1857 to replace the second part of the Mémorial between 1858 and 1859. The newspaper was composed of an administrative and a non-administrative part and was printed by Victor Bück.