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Vaterland (Das)

The first Luxembourg literary magazine founded in June 1868 by "Diener der Nationalliteratur”led by the printer Michel Bourger.

Das Vaterland
Michel Bourger, Luxemburg
Witwe M. Bourger, Luxemburg
Fr. Beffort, Luxemburg
Publishing period
From 06.06.1869 to 28.08.1870
Available issues
From 06.06.1869 to 28.08.1870


The first Luxembourg literary magazine founded in June 1868 by "Diener der Nationalliteratur”led by the printer Michel Bourger. Following his death in 1869, Martin Blum (1845-1924) and Nicolas Steffen (1821-1874) took over as publishers and editors. As editor, Nicolas Steffen published the work of a number of previously unknown poets. At the same time, he created a literary section entitled “Unsere Literatur” to foster the study of Luxembourg’s literary history.