Daily founded in 1913
Publisher :
Editpress S.A.
7, av. du Rock'n'Roll
L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette
Phone: +352 54 71 31-1
Fax: +352 54 71 30
Please note: The Nazi occupation of Luxembourg began on May 10, 1940 and ended on September 10, 1944. In the beginning, the press was censored but later the occupier confiscated the publishing houses and printing offices, gaining complete control over the publications, which kept their pre-war titles.
The issues of Tageblatt after 1950 are available on microfilm for every registered reader of the National Library.
You can order the microfilm in question online:
Don’t forget to reserve a microfilm reader at the reception of the National Library. (Tel. +352 26559 101)