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Mémorial du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

The official journal Mémorial du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg is published by the Central Legislative Service (Service central de legislation) of the Ministry of State.

All the texts published in the Mémorial between 1814 and 1940 are now available on They are progressively integrated on the official website after some metadata enrichment.

Offizielles Journal des Wälder-Departments = Journal officiel du Département des Fôrets
Journal officiel du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg = Offizielles Journal des Groß-herzogthums Luxembourg
Offizielles Journal des Groß-herzogthums Luxembourg
Mémorial administratif du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg = Verwaltungs-Memorial des Groß-herzogthums Luxemburg
Mémorial législatif et administratif du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg = Gesetzgebungs- und Verwaltungs-Memorial des Groß-herzogthums Luxemburg
Verwaltungs- und Verordnungsblatt des Großherzogthums Luxemburg = Mémorial législatif et administratif du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Memorial des Großherzogthums Luxemburg = Mémorial du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Mémorial du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg = Memorial des Großherzogthums Luxemburg
Lamort Sohn, Luxemburg
Jacques Lamort, Luxembourg
Victor Buck, Luxembourg
Imprimerie M. Huss, Luxembourg
Publishing period
From 20.05.1814 to -
Available issues
From 20.05.1814 to 31.12.1940


The official journal Mémorial du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg is published by the Central Legislative Service (Service central de legislation) of the Ministry of State.

All the texts published in the Mémorial between 1814 and 1940 are now available on They are progressively integrated on the official website after some metadata enrichment.

Originally published in both French and German under the title Journal officiel du Département des Forêts = Offizielles Journal des Wälder-Departements in 1814, the publication undergoes a number of title changes over the course of its publication history: Journal officiel du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (1815), then Mémorial administratif du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg = Verwaltungs-Memorial des Gross-Herzogthums Lützemburg (1816 - 1831, 1832, N°1), Mémorial législatif et administratif du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg = Gesetzgebungen- und Verwaltungs-Memorial des Gross-Herzogthums Lützemburg (1832, N°1 (other version) - 1853), before becoming Mémorial du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (1854 - 1940).

During the period from the Belgian Revolution (August 1830) to the Constitution of 1841, the Memorial appeared in parallel with the Arlon publication Mémorial administratif de la Province de Luxembourg = Verwaltungs-Memorial der Provinz Lützemburg.

The Luxemburger Zeitung = Journal de Luxembourg published the second part of the Memorial between January 1858 and September 1859.

Since 2 December 1915, the Mémorial has had an annex Recueil spécial des actes, extraits d'actes, procès-verbaux et documents relatifs aux sociétés commerciales, published in accordance with the law of 10 August 1915.