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Kéisecker info (De)

The De Kéisecker info, which is published since 1982 contains current information on position papers, etc of the "Mouvement Écologique".

De Kéisecker info
Mouvement Écologique a.s.b.l.
rapid press, Luxembourg
Kremer-Muller, Foetz
Imprimerie Kieffer, Luxembourg
Imprimerie Saint-Paul
Imprimerie Linden, Luxembourg
Printing Ossa, Niederanven
Publishing period
From 01.04.1982 to -
Available issues
From 01.04.1982 to 01.09.2017


The De Kéisecker info, which is published since 1982 about 20 times a year, contains current information on position papers, conferences, round tables, political discussions, etc. of the "Mouvement Écologique" and its regional sections. Furthermore, it also reports on the projects of the Oekozenter Pafendall and the "Klima-Bündnis Lëtzebuerg".