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Indépendance luxembourgeoise (L')

The publisher Jean Joris (1828-1893) distributed the first issue of the daily newspaper L'Indépendance luxembourgeoise on October 1st 1871, following his journal L’Avenir (April 1868 to September 1871)

L'Indépendance luxembourgeoise
Jean Joris
Joseph Beffort
Jean Joris
Jean Joris - Jos. Beffort succ.
Joseph Beffort, succ. de Jean Joris
Joseph Beffort
Publishing period
From 01.10.1871 to 31.12.1934
Available issues
From 01.10.1871 to 31.12.1934


The publisher Jean Joris (1828-1893) distributed the first issue of the daily newspaper L'Indépendance luxembourgeoise on October 1st 1871, following his journal L’Avenir (April 1868 to September 1871)

After the death of its creator in 1893, the newspaper continues to be published in French language under the responsibility of the printer and publisher Joseph Beffort (1845-1923) and his successors for more than 60 years, until 31st December 1934.

Among the successive redactors, collaborators and directors, we can note Etienne Hamélius (1856-1929), Joseph Hansen (1874-1952), Charles Becker (1881-1952), Marcel Noppeney (1877-1966) and Paul Weber (1898-1976).